Custom Event Listeners for Dynamic Web Interfaces

ByChristopher Nathaniel |

TLDR; In this tutorial, we introduced the EventListenerManager class, designed to streamline event listener management in JavaScript projects. This class centralizes the logic for adding and removing event listeners, promoting code organization and efficiency. By using the EventListenerManager, you can easily add listeners to DOM elements, remove them when no longer needed, and maintain a clean and scalable codebase. Integrating this class into your projects enhances code reusability, improves maintainability, and boosts productivity in handling event listeners.

Modern web development relies heavily on event listeners – pieces of code that wait for users to make specific actions before performing a task. As your app grows in size and scale, keeping track of these event listeners and removing them when an element is destroyed can be a time-consuming task. In this tutorial, we’ll look at creating a reusable EventListenerManager class to abstract the process of setting up (adding) and removing event listeners in JavaScript.

Building the EventListenerManager Class

The EventListenerManager class serves as a central hub for managing event listeners. It contains the logic for adding listeners to DOM elements and provides a convenient method for removing them when necessary.

As you can see, the EventListenerManager class is quite simple. When used in conjunction with Web Applications it can clean up event listeners, de-activate event-listeners previously added and in addition it can be initialised multiple times so it can be used in a modular fashion. For example, i may want to assign a group of event listeners to one module, and another group of event listeners to another. Using this script I can select which module i’d wish to clean up.

Let’s see the structure of the EventListenerManager class:

class EventListenerManager {
    constructor() {
        this.eventListeners = [];

    add(element, eventType, listener) {
        // Add event listener to the element
        element.addEventListener(eventType, listener);
        // Store the event listener details for future reference
        this.eventListeners.push({ element, eventType, listener });

    removeAll() {
        // Remove all event listeners stored in the eventListeners array
        this.eventListeners.forEach(({ element, eventType, listener }) => {
            element.removeEventListener(eventType, listener);
        // Clear the eventListeners array
        this.eventListeners = [];

export default EventListenerManager;

Using the EventListenerManager Class in Your Project

Now that we understand the inner workings of the EventListenerManager class, let’s see how to integrate it into your projects.

As an ES6 module, preferably using Webpack we can Import the EventListenerManager class in our project. Then, to initialise it we define new EventListenerManager. From there we can C

Import the EventListenerManager class
import EventListenerManager from './EventListenerManager';

// Instantiate the EventListenerManager
const eventManager = new EventListenerManager();

// Obtain the DOM element to which you want to add event listeners
const myElement = document.getElementById('myElement');

// Define the event listener function
const myListener = event => {
    console.log('Event triggered');

// Add an event listener to the element using the EventListenerManager
eventManager.add(myElement, 'click', myListener);

// You can also add multiple event listeners to the same element
eventManager.add(myElement, 'mouseover', () => {
    console.log('Mouse over event');

// To remove all event listeners added using the EventListenerManager

Best Practices for Event Listeners

  • Centralized Management: By encapsulating event listener logic within the EventListenerManager class, you establish a centralized approach to managing listeners across your project.
  • Efficient Removal: The removeAll() method simplifies the process of removing multiple event listeners, enhancing code maintainability and reducing the risk of memory leaks.
  • Scalability: As your project evolves, the EventListenerManager class scales effortlessly, providing a robust foundation for managing event listeners in projects of any size.


With the EventListenerManager class at your disposal, handling event listeners becomes a streamlined and organized process. By adopting this approach, you promote code reusability, enhance project scalability, and maintain a clean and efficient codebase. Incorporate the EventListenerManager into your projects to elevate your event listener management workflow and unlock new levels of productivity.

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